
Registration Options:

May 1 - 3 (3 day Retreat)

May 2 - 3 (2 day Retreat)
  • Receive focused and personalized support from Collaborative Response author Kurtis Hewson to enhance and expand your understanding of Collaborative Response
  • Network and learn from schools currently engaging in Collaborative Response
  • Leave with a guided implementation plan for your school moving forward
  • One month free access to online learning materials available through the Collaborative Response Membership

May 1 (1 day Pre-Retreat)

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation should be received in writing to questions(at) per the following guidelines.

If cancellation notice has been received:

  • More than 14 days before - full refund
  • 7-14 days - 85% refund
  • Less than 7 days - 50%
  • No notice - no refund

Please note you may transfer your registration to a colleague without penalty.

Implied Consent

By attending this professional learning, I understand that my image, likeness and voice may appear in broadcast, film or video, photograph and in any related resources developed and published in print, or digital format, including on the Jigsaw Learning website.

Registration is now closed