Parallel Processes at the District Level

Are you experiencing a need for effective communication between schools and district teams? Are you concerned about the transparency and the effectiveness of supports provided for students? Are you wanting to ensure that district resources are being deployed to address the needs of students and schools?

WeCollab can help you both integrate and parallel Collaborative Response processes at the district level!

Team Boards for Students

As supports at the district level are requested by schools for their students, team boards of students can be created to visualize the supports that are being accessed and also communicate where more information or assessment is required. The categories identified are within the control of the board creator, thus allowing for clarity within the context of the district and its schools.

These team boards can be leveraged for communication strictly amongst the district team responsible for deploying the supports, but they can also be integrated into schools within the district to maintain transparency about the supports being provided to their students. Integrated team boards are updated between the school and the district as changes are made, and schools see only the students that are enrolled with them in order to maintain privacy.

NOTE: The student profile that has been generated and fortified at the school level is accessible by district leaders, which has the ability to reduce the need for referral paperwork and enhance the understanding of what has already been put in place for a student to support them.

Team Boards for Schools

When considering district priorities and the supports deployed in order to help schools achieve their potential when addressing these priorities, team boards can be created at the district level where schools are represented.

Much like student cards, school cards can be colour coded (to represent an identified communication, such as an assessment result or longevity of leadership, for example). Cards are sorted into the appropriate category, as named by the board creator. And, like students, each school has an associated profile accessible by district leaders.

The Collaborative Team Meeting at the District Level

At the heart of Collaborative Response is the collaborative team meeting. With its intentionally structured agenda, it is a paramount process in meeting the needs of students and schools, as described in this blog post.

Given that team boards can exist for both students and schools at the district level, the collaborative team meeting can be conducted in either context, as the meeting process is inherently programmed in the software. To see what this looks like in WeCollab, feel free to access this free webinar.

The emails of the meeting notes, the communication to promote the follow through of commitments, the ability to provide updates on those commitments: these features are replicated at the district level in WeCollab.

Other Meetings at the District Level

Schools can record a variety of different meetings within the WeCollab software by establishing meeting descriptors in the configurations. This feature is also available at the district level in order to reflect the context in which Collaborative Response is implemented and sustained and to ensure effective, transparent, and timely communication among team members.

Embedded Student Supports at the District Level

Districts can have their own continuum of supports for students at their fingertips within WeCollab, much like schools. As well, the capacity exists to enhance the continuums that are accessed at the school level by articulating and deploying them to schools within the software. The ability to identify which schools to add a support to can be empowering as some district supports may focus on early years and others on high schools, for example.

Collaborative Response at the District Level

As a mindset, as a framework, as a way of operating, Collaborative Response can be integrated and infused at the district through parallel processes. As such, WeCollab has been developed in alignment in order to enhance Collaborative Response in this context. While we fully believe and are invested in WeCollab, do not take just our word on its impact from a district perspective!

“WeCollab provides us with one location to track school data and meeting notes and with the use of team boards to engage in planning to meet the needs of our schools and the students in their care.It is an easy to use, responsive tool that we now feel like we couldn’t live without."~ Shan Jorgensen-Adam, Deputy Superintendent, Battle River School Division
"The WeCollab system is integral to our Collaborative Response.

The software tracks our interventions and student progress. Timely reminders keep us focussed. Our staff appreciates its functionality and ease of use. The support team at Jigsaw Learning are continually upgrading the system and are highly responsive to our needs and suggestions.”
~ Peter Barron, Superintendent, Clearview Public Schools

Please schedule a conversation to discuss how WeCollab might have a positive influence on Collaborative Response in your district!

Get a FREE 3-month trial and move from conversation to action with WeCollab, empowering classrooms, schools, and systems to provide the very best response for each and every child.

A low risk, easy entry to assist in determining if the WeCollab system might be a valuable enhancement to your organization's most critical work - supporting student success!

Author: Jennifer Ferguson