Perspective Is Key: Lead Your Team From The Balcony with Darrin Peppard - Ep 12

In Episode 13 of Building a Culture of Collaboration, Lorna and Kurtis are joined by Darrin Peppard, President of Road to Awesome. Darrin is a leadership speaker, coach, host of the Leaning into Leadership podcast and a best selling author, including Road to Awesome: The Journey of a Leader. In this episode, Darrin shares his thoughts on leadership, team development and what it means to “lead from the balcony”.

Connect with Darrin Peppard

Email darrinmpeppard(at)

Twitter @DarrinMPeppard


Connect with Kurtis Hewson

Email kurtis.hewson(at)

Twitter @hewsonk27


Connect with Lorna Hewson

Email lorna.hewson(at)

Twitter @LornaHewson


Author: Nadine Wood