Kari Huk, principal of Woodbridge Farms Elementary, responds to the question “As a result of Collaborative Response, we have seen…”
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Introducing Collaborative Team Meetings: Meeting Roles
When we think about the importance of determining roles in our collaborative team meetings, we will once again reinforce the idea that roles can be impactful in all types of meetings, not only in collaborative team meetings. They can help support the other…
February 20, 2023 | Author: Kurtis Hewson | Read ArticleIntroducing Collaborative Team Meetings: Pre-Meeting Organizers
The pre-meeting organizer helps reinforce that when we ask the question of who would you like to talk about, the person knows who as they have already put thought into their students, looked at their data and have identified a key issue aligned with the…
February 20, 2023 | Author: Kurtis Hewson | Read ArticleIntroducing Collaborative Team Meetings: Intentional Agenda
A key consideration for collaborative team meetings is the development of an intentional and integrated agenda and notes document. This provides predictability for your teams, and it guides the process of moving from one item to the next in your agenda, as…
February 20, 2023 | Author: Kurtis Hewson | Read ArticleIntroducing Collaborative Team Meetings: Team Norms
The establishment of team norms, not only for collaborative team meetings, but all layers of team, is critically important.
February 20, 2023 | Author: Kurtis Hewson | Read ArticleIntroducing Collaborative Team Meetings: Maximum Participation
A key consideration for collaborative team meetings is involving a number of people who come to that team with varying perspectives. Accessing as many different voices around the table allows for diversity of thought and breadth of ideas.
February 20, 2023 | Author: Kurtis Hewson | Read Article