Jigsaw Learning to Continue Partnership with Grasslands Public Schools

Jigsaw Learning is excited to share it will once again be engaging with the leaders of Grasslands Public Schools for the upcoming school year. This partnership marks the third year of ongoing partnership, aimed at enhancing Collaborative Response across all schools in the division to ensure success for students, staff and the greater educational community.

As part of the engagement, our Jigsaw Learning team will be providing the following supports:

  • A series of four school leadership sessions, working with school and divisional leaders to continue to share expertise and deepen Collaborative Response across all schools.
  • A series of four divisional leadership sessions, focused on deepening the divisional Collaborative Response approach to support schools, using parallel processes that schools are using to support students.
  • Comprehensive School Collaborative Response Formative Feedback for half of the schools in the division, with school leaders receiving robust feedback on their meeting structures, infusion of data and evidence and their continuums of support. Schools not involved in receiving feedback will have leaders participate in the feedback for a partner school.
  • Overview of Collaborative Response introductory session for staff new to the division
  • Access to the Collaborative Response Membership for key school and divisional leaders
Grasslands has focused on establishing a system wide Collaborative Response that has led to a strong support network of school leaders speaking a common language, establishing common structures and processes while sharing strengths and challenges. The district team at Grasslands has also been working intentionally to parallel and enhance their system of supports to align student intervention from the schools through to external supports to ensure every child and school receives what they need to be successful.

- Lorna Hewson, Lead Learner and Co-Founder of Jigsaw Learning
Grasslands Public Schools is excited to continue our work with Lorna, Kurtis and the Jigsaw Learning team. Over the past two years we have seen significant growth and alignment across our school division. Having a systemic approach to our implementation of Collaborative Response has brought fidelity to how we respond to students’ needs and support staff capacity building. Our partnership with Jigsaw Learning has been instrumental in our divisional strategic plan and our three key areas of action.

- Scott Brandt, Superintendent of Schools

For the past two years, our team has worked with Grasslands Public Schools to reintroduce and refine Collaborative Response across the system, following up on work introduced in the division nearly a decade ago. This support has included leadership day learning sessions, a divisional overview of Collaborative Response for all staff, ongoing individualized consultation for school and divisional leaders, and feedback for their collaborative team meetings.

To learn more about how Jigsaw Learning could help your organization introduce, implement and deepen Collaborative Response efforts to have a substantial impact on student success and staff collective efficacy, access the Collaborative Response Across a System - Implementation Overview document. If you have any questions, please contact us at questions(at)jigsawlearning.ca.

Grasslands Public Schools covers an area of over 2 500 square miles in southeastern Alberta. Brooks, at its center, is approximately 180 km southeast of Calgary and 110 km northwest of Medicine Hat, on Highway #1. Lethbridge is 160 km southwest of Highways #36 and #3.

Author: Nadine Wood