Jigsaw Learning to Collaborate with Peace Wapiti Public School Division, Reintroducing and Reinforcing the Implementation and Deepening of Collaborative Response

Jigsaw Learning is excited to once again engage with the leaders of Peace Wapiti Public School Division for the 2023-2024 school year. Through a multi-layered and comprehensive support plan, the division will reintroduce and reinforce the implementation and deepening of Collaborative Response across a group of schools in the division.

As part of the engagement, our Jigsaw Learning team will be providing the following supports:

  • A series of four school leadership days focused on deepening and enhancing the implementation of Collaborative Response with a selection of schools.
We've had previous collaborations with them, and we're eager to partner once more with the Peace Wapiti Public School Division as they embark on the journey of reintroducing and strengthening the implementation of Collaborative Response through a group of schools dedicated to revitalizing the work.

- Kurtis Hewson, Lead Learner/Co-Founder, Jigsaw Learning
Peace Wapiti Public School Division is pleased to re-engage with Jigsaw Learning and excited about the opportunity to revitalize Collaborative Response to support our learning communities.

- Shawn O’Shea, Assistant Superintendent

To learn more about how Jigsaw Learning could help your organization introduce, implement and deepen Collaborative Response efforts to have a substantial impact on student success and staff collective efficacy, access the Collaborative Response Across a System - Implementation Overview document. If you have any questions, please contact us at questions(at)jigsawlearning.ca.

With its Central Office located in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Peace Wapiti Public School Division (PWPSD) provides service to over 6,000 Kindergarten to Grade 12 students in 34 schools, including nine Hutterite colony schools, two outreach schools, an online school, and educational programming at a group home facility.

Author: Nadine Wood