Jigsaw Learning to Continue Collaboration with Peace River School Division

Jigsaw Learning is excited to share it will once again be engaging with the leaders of Peace River School Division for the upcoming school year. This partnership marks the sixth year of ongoing partnership, aimed at sustaining Collaborative Response across all schools in the division to ensure success for students, staff and the greater educational community.

As part of the engagement, our Jigsaw Learning team will be providing the following supports:

  • A series of two school leadership sessions, working with school and divisional leaders to continue to share expertise and deepen Collaborative Response across all schools.
  • Comprehensive School Collaborative Response Formative Feedback for schools ready for robust feedback on their meeting structures, infusion of data and evidence and their continuums of support.
  • Individualized support for school leaders to establish Collaborative Response structures and processes in their own schools, taking into account individual school and community contexts.
  • Access to the Collaborative Response Membership for key school and divisional leaders
The Collaborative Response work happening in Peace River School Division is incredibly exciting! School and divisional leaders have gone deep with Collaborative Response across all schools to help meet their divisional priorities and ensure success for all students. They really have become an organization that has placed Collaborative Response at the core of all they do!

- Kurtis Hewson, Lead Learner and Co-Founder of Jigsaw Learning
The division remains fully committed to using Collaborative Response as the vehicle to establish and nurture inclusionary and responsive school cultures intensely focused on enhancing achievement in literacy and numeracy for all students. Indeed, Collaborative Response has become the division’s change initiative to help ensure our philosophical mindset of “success for all” is realized in all schools throughout the organization.

- Jeff Thompson, Deputy Superintendent

For the past five years, our team has worked with the Peace River School Division to implement and refine Collaborative Response across the system. This support has engaged divisional staff at all levels, including several divisional days dedicated specifically to understanding and sustaining Collaborative Response for all staff in the organization.

To learn more about how Jigsaw Learning could help your organization introduce, implement and deepen Collaborative Response efforts to have a substantial impact on student success and staff collective efficacy, access the Collaborative Response Across a System - Implementation Overview document. If you have any questions, please contact us at questions(at)jigsawlearning.ca.

Peace River School Division covers a geographical area of approximately 13,000 square kilometers and operates schools that serve 12 communities in Northwestern Alberta. The school division serves approximately 3,000 students.

Author: Nadine Wood