Jigsaw Learning to Enhance Collaborative Response Practices Across Peace River School Division

Jigsaw Learning will continue its partnership with the Peace River School Division to refine and deepen Collaborative Response structures and processes through a comprehensive, multi-layered approach. This initiative is designed to support ongoing improvements and ensure effective implementation across the division.

Key elements of the support plan include:

  • Online Workshops: New staff and administrators will have access to online workshops to build foundational knowledge of Collaborative Response.
  • School Leadership Sessions: Two leadership sessions per year will be held to focus on the continued refinement of Collaborative Response practices within schools.
  • Jigsaw Learning Team Support: Each school will receive up to four hours of dedicated support, which may include feedback on Collaborative Team Meetings, data and evidence analysis, continuum of supports, coaching, consultation, WeCollab integration, and professional development sessions.
  • Comprehensive Formative Feedback: Up to four schools will benefit from detailed feedback on their Collaborative Response frameworks.
  • Collaborative Response Membership: All schools will have access to the Collaborative Response Membership, offering additional resources and ongoing professional learning support.
  • WeCollab System Piloting: Schools will pilot the WeCollab system to enhance their Collaborative Response efforts.

This initiative highlights Jigsaw Learning’s commitment to supporting the Peace River School Division in creating a responsive and effective educational environment for all students.

“We’re excited to continue our partnership with Peace River School Division, focusing on refining and enhancing Collaborative Response practices to ensure every school benefits from a comprehensive, supportive approach,” said Kurtis Hewson, Co-Founder of Jigsaw Learning.
“The Peace River School Division is very pleased to be continuing its longstanding partnership with Jigsaw Learning to ensure Collaborative Response is deeply embedded as a permanent feature of the culture within all schools throughout the division. Indeed, Collaborative Response has become the division’s change initiative to ensure intensification of our collective efforts to focus on learning together to enhance success for all students under our collective care. We look forward to another productive year in partnering with Jigsaw Learning to build broad-based capacity to reculture our schools in ways that help to guarantee success for all of our students” said Jeff Thompson, Deputy Superintendent.

For the past six years, our team has worked with the Peace River School Division to implement and refine Collaborative Response across the system. This support has engaged divisional staff at all levels, including several divisional days dedicated specifically to understanding and sustaining Collaborative Response for all staff in the organization.

To learn more about how Jigsaw Learning could help your organization introduce, implement and deepen Collaborative Response efforts to have a substantial impact on student success and staff collective efficacy, access Collaborative Response Across a System section of our website. If you have any questions, please contact us at questions(at)jigsawlearning.ca.

Peace River School Division covers a geographical area of approximately 13,000 square kilometers and operates schools that serve 12 communities in Northwestern Alberta. The school division serves approximately 3,000 students.

Author: Nadine Wood