Jennifer Ferguson readily engages in opportunities to build her capacity as a leader and as a result her journey has led her into a unique role with Jigsaw Learning. Jennifer leads districts and schools in the implementation of the WeCollab software platform, purposefully designed to align with the Collaborative Response framework. She ensures ongoing training and support for all learners by responding to troubleshooting requests, streamlining processes, leveraging shared services, and collaboratively facilitating learning experiences to meet the needs within the context. She is skilled at problem solving and responsive support and prides herself in ensuring our partners are able to effectively use tools that will align with their Collaborative Response process. The process trumps the program!
- More than a decade of experience in K-12 education, including school and district leadership roles to provide support, services, and professional learning opportunities
- Aptitude for supporting educational technology: purposefully planning for implementing/transitioning systems
- Member of the CRM Conference Planning Committee
- Adjunct Instructor with City University of Seattle in Canada in the Master of Education in Leadership Program
- Member of the Golden Key International Honour Society