Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction

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Collaborative Planning and Design

Collaborative planning should be embedded throughout a school’s schedule to support growth and development of teacher practice. Structures and processes support teachers in setting goals and documenting their learning journey.


Establishing a clear understanding of curriculum is essential to teaching and learning. Each curricular area begins with front matter in the program of studies that highlights the foundational principles for the general and specific outcomes at each grade level.


Assessment plays a significant role in learning and engagement. It’s important to reflect on the process and purpose of assessment and its impact on student learning. Formative and summative assessment processes are integral to providing a comprehensive system of support for student learning.

Resources and Templates

Examining Potential Literacy Assessments - This tool is designed for investigating various literacy assessments. It can be adapted for any area.

Instruction and Pedagogy

The art of teaching is complex and requires consideration of multiple components that contribute to a successful classroom. Designing learning experiences for all students based on their individual needs is a challenging task.

Resources and Templates
Teacher’s Self Reflection on Differentiation - There are multiple ways that a teacher can provide differentiated supports for students in their classroom. This template provides an opportunity for teacher's to reflect on their differentiation practices.

Responsive Relationships - Colleagues - Often relationships with students is a focus but this checklist is a self reflective tool to address healthy interactions and relationships with colleagues.

Responsive Relationships - Students - Relationships with students are key to success in learning. This self reflection tool provides many aspects of relationship to consider.

Instructional Planning and Design

Careful consideration to ensure plans are in place to include focus on outcomes from the curriculum, teaching methods, student engagement, high expectations for students, differentiating for students as needed and choosing appropriate strategies that support student learning. Plans are created to reflect annual plans, unit plans and lesson plans.

Resources and Templates

Differentiation Unit Plan Template - This unit plan template includes places to include differentiated outcomes for students who are working above or below grade level.