
A school-wide model for addressing individual needs

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Magazine article sharing the journey of Lakeland Catholic Schools as they implemented Collaborative Response over a multi-year implementation plan to align with divisional priorities.

Guilbault, P., & Hewson, K. (Spring 2023). Identifying the "Big Rocks. The CASS Connection, 16-17.

Magazine article sharing the journey of Holy Spirit Catholic Schools implementing Collaborative Response across all schools in the division, as well as adopting Collaborative Response as a divisional approach for coordinating the supports for schools in relation to key district priorities.

Larsen, C., Lothian, C., Skretting, A., & Hewson, K. (Fall 2022). Knowing, Being, and Doing. The CASS Connection, 20-21.

Envisioning a Collaborative Response Model: Beliefs, Structures, and Processes to Transform How We Respond to the Needs of Students

Kurtis Hewson, Lorna Hewson, and Jim Parsons

From My Students to Our Students: Collective Responsibility for Students and Teacher Efficacy

Journal article describing the relationship between taking collective ownership for students and its impact on teacher efficacy.

Hewson, K. (2015). From My Students to Our Students: Collective Responsibility of Students and Teacher Efficacy.The Canadian Journal for Teachers’ Research, 2(1).

Reframing the Puzzle: Collaborating for Multi-Literacy Instruction

Recognizing that literacy is multi-faceted and classrooms are diverse, how can we ensure effective support for students and teachers? Includes video overview that accompanies the article.

Hewson, K. & Adrian, L. (2014). Reframing the puzzle: Collaborating for multi-literacy instruction. The Canadian Journal for Teachers’ Research, 1(1).

The Children in the Numbers

An article examining why assessments need to help flag students for professional dialogue, rather than allowing individual students to remain hidden in the aggregate.

Hewson, K. & Parson, J. (2013, June). The children in the numbers: Why aggregate achievement goals miss the mark. Education 17 Canada, 53(3), 9-11.

Establishing a Collaborative Response Model

Published by The Special Educator, a publication of Alberta Teacher Association’s Council for Inclusive Education, this three page overview provides the basic early conceptualization of a Collaborative Response Model.

Hewson, K. and Adrian, L. (2013, January). Establishing a collaborative response model: Structures and processes to support inclusion. The Special Educator, 42(3), 20-22.

Time Shift: Developing Teacher Teams

Principals can use their time effectively and encourage collaboration by working with teacher teams.
Hewson, K. (2013, January/February). Time shift: Developing teacher teams. Principal, 92(3), 14-17

Action Planning: Rowing in the Same Direction

An article describing the basic tenets of action planning, a school improvement framework that values distributive leadership, professional learning and alignment of organizational priorities through a professional learning communities structure.

Hewson, K and Adrian, L. (2008, September/October). Action planning: Rowing in the same direction. Principal, 88(1), 48-51.

Reaching the Forgotten 10 Percent

The first published article by Kurtis and Lorna that shows the initial foundation that later evolved into the Collaborative Response Model.

Hewson, K and Adrian, L. (2008, October). Reaching the forgotten 10 percent. Educational Leadership, 66(2), 75-76.