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Collaborative Planning operates parallel to the Collaborative Team Meeting, providing teaching staff with the opportunity to work in teams in creating the resources, materials, lessons, and strategies that would support teaching and learning in their classrooms. Collaborative Planning time is an integral structure that ensures the supports that we are initiating through the Collaborative Team Meeting have dedicated time to be actualized in the classroom.
Access a number of resources and samples below, organized by a variety of topics related to impactful and aligned collaborative planning efforts to inform Collaborative Response practices.
Reflection Tools
The following tools can be used to reflect upon your structures and processes related to Collaborative Planning, as well as collect evidence to determine growth and impact over time.
Reflecting on Collaborative Planning - Template - Template to reflect on current Collaborative Planning structures and processes | |
Establishing a Team Focus
Whether establishing a team goal, inquiry question or focus area, it is important for teams to determine an overarching area of focus for their collaborative planning time, which should be alignment with the priorities established for the school. Through an examination of data, teams establish a focus for their collaborative planning that can guide professional learning, investigation of practice and adoption of common practices for student success.
Kitaskinaw Grade Level Team Goals - an overview poster of 2023-2024 team goals, established by each team at Kitaskinaw Education Authority and posted in team meeting spaces. Copyright 2023, T. Crouter - Kitaskinaw Education Authority, AB. Shared with permission. | |
View additional establishing a team goal samples contributed by our partners |
In this Leading Collaborative Response podcast episode, Kurtis discusses tips and strategies for establishing team goals in your organization.
Access Episode
Team Planning Guides
A team planning guide provides organization and alignment for collaborative planning time for teams. By infusing an overarching focus on the team's focus area, teams can then use the guide to plan forward, make notes of their progress and provides leadership evidence of the team's progression through a school year.
Collaborative Planning template - Brooks Composite - collaborative planning resource used by teams at Brooks Composite, with alignment to divisional and school goals. Copyright 2024, R. Hollohan - Brooks Composite High School, Grasslands Public Schools. Shared with permission. | |
Collaborative Planning - Division 1 Team Sample - sample collaborative planning time document from Our Lady of the Assumption School in Lethbridge, AB, sharing the intended focus for each weekly collaborative time established in the school. Copyright 2022, M. Calder - Our Lady of the Assumption School, Holy Spirit Catholic School Division. Shared with permission. | |
Innisfail Middle School Team Planning Guide - developed by Innisfail Middle School Copyright 2022, D. Schafer - Innisfail Middle School, Chinook's Edge School Division. Shared with permission. | |
View additional team planning guide samples contributed by our partners |