Online Learning
Online teaching and learning requires a systemic understanding of what this type of learning involves and consideration of its associated best practices. To ensure students and families experience success online a variety of mediums, approaches, and…
November 2, 2020 | Author: Nadine Wood | Read ArticleOnline Courses
Explore our courses to engage deeper in a number of areas, designed to expand understanding and share valuable resources.
October 26, 2020 | Author: Nadine Wood | Read ArticleAnnual Retreat
Join us and receive onsite focused support from the Jigsaw Learning team for school teams and leaders to enhance and expand your understanding of Collaborative Response.
October 12, 2020 | Author: Nadine Wood | Read ArticleIndigenous Partner Support
Our team has experience working with Educational Authorities to provide supports in a number of areas that honour and respect culture, relationships and indigenous ways of knowing and being.
September 24, 2020 | Author: Nadine Wood | Read ArticleIan Baxter
Processus de révision de l’approche collaborative
Un processus de révision de votre démarche collaborative des plus enrichissant pour votre école! Cette révision vous permettra d’examiner, de raffiner et d’améliorer la structure et le processus collaboratif de votre école.
June 8, 2020 | Author: Nadine Wood | Read ArticleAttendee
Beginning Teachers
Resources, templates and samples developed and collected, focused primarily on supporting Beginning Teachers.
April 14, 2020 | Author: Nadine Wood | Read ArticleCharity Alook
Beginning Teachers
A teacher's first years can make or break their experience and may influence them throughout their career. Establishing or strengthening your beginning teacher program to ensure consistency will lead to increased efficacy in classrooms as well as staff…
April 7, 2020 | Author: Nadine Wood | Read Article