We are proud to share that our partners continue to give us 5-star reviews! Thank you for your support and feedback!
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I have worked with Barb Pears for the past five years in her role as a behaviour consultant for Wolf Creek Public Schools. Barb has repeatedly proven herself as an invaluable source of wisdom and knowledge when working through the needs and challenges of our most complex students. She knows that a cookie cutter approach won’t meet the needs of our diverse students and comes prepared to engage in a team approach in moving forward. Barb brings a fresh view, and can offer insights that can help solve problems. Barb is a very effective problem solver when working on the function of the child’s behaviour and generates solutions that are reasonable and manageable to implement. She has skill at seeing the big picture but is insightful at determining the small parts that can help to move a child forward. Barb has excellent communication skills and a personality that allows teachers to feel safe, valued and respected in the process. She does well at listening first and speaking second. Her primary goal is to he... Read more
Karen Laszuk
Inclusion Coach - Iron Ridge Elementary School, Wolf Creek Public Schools
We have been working with the Jigsaw Learning team for 3 years now, and are impressed with their ongoing teacher support and instructional coaching for teacher collaboration. They are very respectful and interested in Îyîniw Mâmtohnehicikan (Cree thinking) and Nehiyaw Pimatisiwin (Cree Ways of being). They work collaboratively with our teachers to offer support, coach and share ideas, plus they review the progress made in each school. Students really look forward to the CRM Focus time, as they have great success in these blocks.Their significant success was apparent in the first year that our school implemented the Collaborative Response Model. We started with 80% of our students needing urgent intervention and 0% of our students at/above benchmark. By the end of the first year, our urgent intervention numbers dropped to 43% and our at/above benchmark numbers increased by 12%.
Dianne Crane
Coordinator of Curriculum and Instruction – Learning Services Branch - Maskwacîs Education Schools Commission
Cheryl Gascoyne was instrumental in supporting our school with literacy growth and development. Her work with our staff has had a dramatically positive impact on how we support literacy development for our students. Cheryl worked elbow to elbow with our staff to improve our reading intervention strategies. She also helped us engage in a literacy partnership with the local university and she supported our work in finding appropriate literacy resources for our school. Cheryl worked alongside the administrative team to develop a comprehensive school wide literacy plan. She was visible in the school, she worked alongside teachers and she regularly connected with the leadership team to determine next steps. Cheryl is an expert in the field of literacy and she took the time to really look at our strengths and areas for improvement. She helped us create a vision of literacy and we are forever grateful for her support. Cheryl changed how we support, implement and assess literacy in our school and the staff and stu... Read more
Sonja Dykslag, B.Ed., M.Ed.
Principal - École Lacombe Upper Elementary School