
We are proud to share that our partners continue to give us 5-star reviews! Thank you for your support and feedback!

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Kurtis Hewson visited our school to provide feedback in regard to Collaborative Response. It was a very wonderful experience for our staff and our admin team. He spent time with individual teachers, and in our CR meeting / SST meeting, and provided very relevant and timely feedback. I look forward to continuing with Jigsaw as we continue on our journey.

Vince Spila
Principal - École Notre Dame High School

Kurtis Hewson has been so supportive and knowledgeable during our revamp of Collaborative Response. He has helped us to create an effective collaborative culture that will benefit all students. Kurtis connects with each individual and communicates effectively. We look forward to continuing to work with him!

Robyn Lieverse
Principal - Wembley Elementary School

While working in collaboration with the leaders of Jigsaw Learning, we were able to engage in professional conversations with teachers about establishing team goals at each grade level. Based on these facilitated conversations, we were able to gather critical information for growth and team alignment throughout the school community to meet the needs of the students.

Tara Crouter
Assistant Principal - Kitaskinaw Education Authority

Through synergy and shared vision, our partnership with Kurtis Hewson and Jigsaw Learning exemplifies the power of collaboration in achieving extraordinary outcomes. Together we are creating a culture that empowers teachers with the tools they need to inspire and meet the needs of their students. This is a testament to the incredible impact we have when we work together towards a common goal. Collaborative Response is the framework that Edmonton Catholic leaders and teachers are engaging in which supports our focus on collaboration, solution focused and data driven conversations and supports for all learners in our school division.

Terri Peterson
Superintendent, Learning Services - Edmonton Catholic Schools

At Roland Michener Secondary School, we have established and conducted regular school support team meetings to support our students for the last three years. Last school year, we started to reflect on how we can maximize the effectiveness of our tier 3 school supports to ensure responsive actions take place for students requiring higher level supports. With the support of Jigsaw Learning, we began a transformational journey to help our school develop School Support Team Meetings (SSTMs) that are solution focused and action oriented. Jigsaw Learning was instrumental in helping our school based team clearly understand the purpose of the School Support Team Meetings, celebrate the school-based actions that are making a difference for students and then determine possible supports and next steps for students being referred.

Kris Herbert
Principal - Roland Michener Secondary School