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Our district in coastal, rural, Maine has been actively implementing Collaborative Response for three years now, and each year we continue to grow and evolve through the implementation process. The Collaborative Response philosophy and approach served as the leverage that we needed after years of trying to get a district-wide RTI plan off the ground! The Collaborative Response approach has a focus on collaborative, student-centered conversations and also provides resources and support for our teachers, as the experts.
Nicole Chan
Director of Curriculum - Regional School Unit 24 Sullivan, Maine, United States of America
Using a "Ready, Fire Aim" approach, we implemented Collaborative Response throughout our division with Kurtis Hewson and Jigsaw Learning's consultation, and the result has been transformational . We have established Collaborative Response as the framework for our division's organizational structure to support students. With the implementation of consistent, intentional structures such as the Collaborative Team Meetings, data analysis, and continuum of supports, we have seen increased efficacy, confidence, and collaboration at all levels of our organization. We are embracing a culture where staff rely on the strengths of their colleagues in a student-centred approach to inclusivity.
Pamela Guilbault
Superintendent - Lakeland Catholic School Division
The purpose of Collaborative Response is to reflect on practices to support both school staff and students to do better in their daily work. The fundamental pillars are not entirely new in education. The innovative part has primarily to do with the working process the main pillars of Collaborative Structures and Processes, Data and Evidence and Continuum of Supports generate. Collaborative Response is based on a structure that enables professional learning communities in schools to develop for the benefit of student learning and well-being. That is because the approach includes a respect for the knowledge, idiosyncrasies and experience of staff and students, i.e. all these are resources that can be used for the benefits of growth of all involved.
Ingileif Ástvaldsdóttir
Adjunct Lecturer - University of Iceland, Department of Education - Reykjavík, Iceland
Administrators and teachers will appreciate the structures and processes which can be easily integrated into their practice. With clear guidelines for everything from organizing student data, to planning efficient team meetings, the text "Collaborative Response: Three Foundational Components That Transform How We Respond to the Needs of Learners" is a fantastic resource for improving student learning.
David Dyck
Education Director - Calgary Board of Education
At Oski Pasikoniwew Kamik School, our structure for student support involves a wonderful collaboration from a large group that consists of Administrators, Teachers, Educational Assistants, Student Services Team, and Cree & Language Team with the help of Jigsaw Learning, their team, and our contracted Service Providers. Each part is integral in order to help us respond to all of our students’ needs.
With a team that is so complex, Collaborative Response helps keep us focused on the priorities of our students and enables us as a collective to find solutions to create student success. This collective efficacy empowers all staff to fulfill their desired outcomes for the students as it helps us keep organized with a focus of providing supportive actions to best support students in our team meetings.
The Collaborative Response approach also tailors to the needs of our organization, with Cree Language and Culture as the foundation of our school. This way of thinking allows us to build the continuum... Read more
Lisa Thunder
Principal - Oski Pasiknowew Kamik School - Bigstone Education Authority